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Author(s)/ Creator(s): American Heart Association, Inc
Resource Title: Angina Pectoris
Type/ Category: Collection
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Infective Endocarditis
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction ("Blood Clot in the Lung")
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Myocardial Infarction ("Heart Attack")
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Carotid Artery Thrombosis ("Blood Clot")
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Cerebral Softening ("Stroke")
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): Dr. Gary Velan
Resource Title: The Museum of Human Disease - Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): The Patient Education Institute/MEDLINEplus, US National Library of Medicine
Resource Title: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Vascular Surgery
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): The Patient Education Institute/MEDLINEplus, US National Library of Medicine
Resource Title: Angina Pectoris
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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Author(s)/ Creator(s): The Patient Education Institute/MEDLINEplus, US National Library of Medicine
Resource Title: Atrial Fibrillation
Type/ Category: Interactive Resource
Language: en
URI: Launch in new window
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