Author(s)/ Creator(s): CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), The ABC's of Safe and Healthy Child Care Resource Title: What You Should Know About… Earache (Otitis Media) in the Child Care Setting Type/ Category: Fact Sheet Language: en URI:Launch in new window
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ICD-9-CM Subject Code 1: 381 ICD-9-CM Subject Code 2: 382 ICD-9-CM Subject Code 3: 055.2 ICD-9-CM Subject Description(s): NONSUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA, OTITIS MEDIA, SUPPURATIVE/NOS, POSTMEASLES OTITIS MEDIA Publisher(s): CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) City: Atlanta Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) Country: United States Coverage: World Date of Last Update/ Review: 1/1/1997 Resource Quality Information: Trusted Publisher Comment(s): E-mail: - Fact Sheets on Childhood Diseases and Conditions Author(s)/ Creator(s): Programme de médecine des voyages - DGSPSP - Santé Canada Resource Title: Information sur la maladie Rougeole (Measles; French) Type/ Category: Fact Sheet Language: fr URI:Launch in new window
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ICD-9-CM Subject Code 1: 055 ICD-9-CM Subject Code 2: ICD-9-CM Subject Code 3: ICD-9-CM Subject Description(s): MEASLES Publisher(s): Programme de médecine des voyages - Direction générale de la santé de la population et de la santé publique - Santé Canada, A.L. 0900C2, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K9 Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) City: Ottawa Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) Country: Canada Coverage: World Date of Last Update/ Review: 7/12/2001 Resource Quality Information: Trusted Publisher Comment(s): E-mail: Author(s)/ Creator(s): Mark R. Dambro, MD (editor). Griffith's: 5 Minute Clinical Consult - A Reference for Clinicians. (Online Topic Summaries) Resource Title: Measles, rubeola Type/ Category: Fact Sheet Language: en URI:Launch in new window