Author(s)/ Creator(s): C Grattan, S Powell, F Humphreys Resource Title: Management and diagnostic guidelines for urticaria and angio-oedema Type/ Category: Guidelines Language: en URI:Launch in new window
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ICD-9-CM Subject Code 1: 708 ICD-9-CM Subject Code 2: 995.1 ICD-9-CM Subject Code 3: ICD-9-CM Subject Description(s): URTICARIA, ANGIOEDEMA Publisher(s): British Association of Dermatologists, 19 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6EH Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) City: London Author(s) and/or Publisher(s) Country: United Kingdom Coverage: World Date of Last Update/ Review: 4/30/2001 Resource Quality Information: Trusted Publisher Comment(s): E-mail: Author(s)/ Creator(s): Mark R. Dambro, MD (editor). Griffith's: 5 Minute Clinical Consult - A Reference for Clinicians. (Online Topic Summaries) Resource Title: Angioedema Type/ Category: Fact Sheet Language: en URI:Launch in new window